I Completed Number 6!

I would just like to finally announce that I have completed item number 6 on my goals for 2015! For those of you who are new around here and completely lost check out my goals list here. This has been one of my biggest feats when it comes to health and fitness, while the lower body isn’t to my standards as of yet, my upper body is finally there! I was never that girl who had any upper body to brag about, I just had stick arms and honestly I myself was a stick. I’ve been looking at my time hop lately and just sighing over how thin I was roughly 4 years ago now, but then I have to remind myself that I wasn’t healthy in the slightest. I skipped meals on a daily basis, I only ever did cardio when I did work out, and I never took care of myself the way I should have. It seems to be a recurring story with everyone these days! It doesn’t help the fact that I was made fun of a lot when I was younger for being the chunky girl who had a lot of baby fat to grow out of. For that reason I will always have to constantly remind myself that I am not “fat,” and that’s why I hate body shaming to this day, as it has only gotten worse.

But I’m not here to talk about that today! This is a happy post about achieving your goals! I’ve been working out consistently since January and pushing myself to the extremes…well not like competition extremes, but for someone who had never been able to bench press the bar…it was pretty intense. I’ve completely transformed my upper body and I am so excited about it! It definitely made for awesome wedding photos to have a nicely shaped up back, shoulders, and of course arms! Speaking of wedding photos, I need to post our amazing pin-spired wedding photos here soon! Check out my gainz in the pic below!


*This photo was originally posted on my Instagram page, which you can get to by clicking on the photo*

Until next time!

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Target and the Gender Neutral Movement

So occasionally the world just provides me with amazing topics to get all heated over, the worst part is I usually find all of these stories browsing through my news feed, I mean come on I haven’t had cable in well over a year now. Well here I am scrolling along and I came across a shared post talking about this person who faked being a Target representative, just feeding off the anger of venting Americans over this whole gender neutrality move that Target has decided to make. Of  course out of curiosity I just had to take a peek – you can view the article here – and boy if I was not entertained! I’m still laughing hysterically.

Let me elaborate.

Are you people serious right now!?! You are all so butt hurt over the combination of the toys and bedding sections for children?! How in the hell does that affect you in any way shape or form? So sorry they will be changing the paint down the aisles, damn that is such a hassle for you, I for one will be happy not to see bright ass pink in the Barbie aisles anymore, because really….that pink is just completely obnoxious and distracting. If I ever had a daughter her room colors would definitely not be pink and a boy would definitely not be blue. Does anyone really still do that? They’re little….they don’t give a crap. My room changed colors and wallpapers (oh the 90’s) constantly growing up, and my parents were at least awesome enough to let me decide.

I see right through all of these people complaining about the “neutral move” as I’ll call it, we all know that you people are just being dicks over the LGBT movement/community. They haven’t done anything to you, they’re trying to be happy and find love just like the rest of the world!

But I can see right through your bull shit, all of you are such hypocritical fools. Do you honestly think that the toys your child plays with, and the colors you put in their bedrooms will determine their sexuality later in life?! If you are still on that bandwagon than you really need to reevaluate your life. I don’t know about my fellow readers out there, but I loved hot wheels, they were the greatest toy ever! Of course I liked to play with my barbie’s with my sister, but once my brother came around all of his toys were so much better! They made you think, not just play house, he always had Lego sets that he wanted my help with, Bionicles to be built, and I mean come on who doesn’t want a swooshing light saber?! But even with all of that my brother was always included to play with my sister and I when we played with our barbie’s or polly pockets – granted he might kill me for even saying it – but that’s the whole point here; boys and girls shouldn’t have to be embarrassed about playing with all kinds of different toys!

We always label, even as adults we are labeled, and that’s more so by appearance and still by gender once you get into the work force. Gender neutrality is one of the biggest steps that needs to be made to help with the equality of genders for the future generations. What are you going to say to your child, “oh no sweetie that’s a girls toy,” or “that’s a boys toy.” We shouldn’t be restricting the possibilities for our children to learn and play with toys that make them happy, and as for the bedding…oh boo fricken who. I would never purchase a bright flowering comforter for my child to begin with, and I wouldn’t be caught dead with one of those car beds in my house, but that’s just me.

Children have no sense of what they can and can’t play with, it’s you as the adult who tells them, and those ideas will stay with that child for the rest of their lives. It shouldn’t be that way, we should be shaping a better future for these children, because I sure as hell don’t want to raise my child into thinking they can and can’t play with certain toys, because what does that say further into their future, that they can and can’t work at certain places because of gender, they can and can’t go to a certain college or play a certain sport because of gender. If I had a daughter who grew up to want to be a mechanic, then she can be a mechanic! (I wouldn’t doubt that anyways with how obsessed with cars my husband is) If I had a son who wanted to be a nurse, by all means he can be a damn nurse!

You see, it’s just a label, and by no means do toys determine a child’s sexuality. For heaven’s sake the toys end up being given away or sold as soon as they become babyish to your now teenager who is only interested in their phones, friends and video games. So calm down people, it’s not the end of the world, to me it seems like the start of a better one for the future generations. You can agree or disagree with me, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but as for you Target, you have my full support!

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Netflix Series You NEED To Watch

Okay, so post wedding now and it’s been non-stop still. We’re moving in a week, of course the weekend of my birthday – yay to 23! My poor fur baby Whiskey has been with my parents in FL for around a month now, she has not recovered from her health issues, and the health problems per say have not been resolved despite the countless vet appointments we’ve been to. So basically with the entire house packed up, along with all of my books I’ve been out of “constructive entertainment,” as I like to call it, although come spring when I start school up again I’ll be missing these down-time days.

Well because I’ve had little else to do other than work, go to the gym, clean, and cook…I still find myself twiddling my thumbs come 6 o’ clock, and since Shane doesn’t get home from work until roughly 7:30 every night, I’ve been forced to try out some new shows on Netflix. Of course I went on the Friends binge and finished that one, I went back to the Vampire Diaries since I hadn’t watched the latest season (which technically isn’t even the latest one), I thought about watching Pretty Little Liars again, but now that “A” has been revealed and Facebook has completely spoiled it I’m just not that into it. So I’ve turned to the more low key series that I’ve never even heard of before and come to the realization that they are AWESOME! Of course they only have 2-5 seasons on Netflix because they are newer shows so that has driven me insane and I’ve legitimately watched a few more than once all the way through because I like them so much!

So without further adieu, here are those series you need to watch ASAP, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

  1. Young and Hungry
  2. Baby Daddy
  3. Peaky Blinders
  4. Wet Hot American Summer (yes this was a movie, but the original cast put together a series!)
  5. Hawaii 5-O

The list might seem small, but there are some other ones I started but just didn’t peak my interest. I thought I could get into the show Heroes, but found myself confused and too turned around come season 2 and stopped watching. But then there’s the all time favorite that Shane and I watch every night, which of course is NCIS. Oh and the reason for all of these series watching is mainly because we do not have cable, hey gotta save money somewhere right?! I can’t wait until next week when we finally move, and by then I should have my post ready and some pictures to show off our Pinspired wedding back in June!

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