Netflix Series You NEED To Watch

Okay, so post wedding now and it’s been non-stop still. We’re moving in a week, of course the weekend of my birthday – yay to 23! My poor fur baby Whiskey has been with my parents in FL for around a month now, she has not recovered from her health issues, and the health problems per say have not been resolved despite the countless vet appointments we’ve been to. So basically with the entire house packed up, along with all of my books I’ve been out of “constructive entertainment,” as I like to call it, although come spring when I start school up again I’ll be missing these down-time days.

Well because I’ve had little else to do other than work, go to the gym, clean, and cook…I still find myself twiddling my thumbs come 6 o’ clock, and since Shane doesn’t get home from work until roughly 7:30 every night, I’ve been forced to try out some new shows on Netflix. Of course I went on the Friends binge and finished that one, I went back to the Vampire Diaries since I hadn’t watched the latest season (which technically isn’t even the latest one), I thought about watching Pretty Little Liars again, but now that “A” has been revealed and Facebook has completely spoiled it I’m just not that into it. So I’ve turned to the more low key series that I’ve never even heard of before and come to the realization that they are AWESOME! Of course they only have 2-5 seasons on Netflix because they are newer shows so that has driven me insane and I’ve legitimately watched a few more than once all the way through because I like them so much!

So without further adieu, here are those series you need to watch ASAP, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

  1. Young and Hungry
  2. Baby Daddy
  3. Peaky Blinders
  4. Wet Hot American Summer (yes this was a movie, but the original cast put together a series!)
  5. Hawaii 5-O

The list might seem small, but there are some other ones I started but just didn’t peak my interest. I thought I could get into the show Heroes, but found myself confused and too turned around come season 2 and stopped watching. But then there’s the all time favorite that Shane and I watch every night, which of course is NCIS. Oh and the reason for all of these series watching is mainly because we do not have cable, hey gotta save money somewhere right?! I can’t wait until next week when we finally move, and by then I should have my post ready and some pictures to show off our Pinspired wedding back in June!

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“I’m only slightly obsessed..”

This seems to be my most used phrase lately, and it is nothing but the truth when I use it. I know I more than likely am annoying the hell out of the boys with my constant obsessions, but it’s really hard NOT to be obsessed, whether slightly or completely. So in honor of my random obsessions, I’ve decided to just write them out. More so for the benefit of reading this a year from now and thinking “OMG, I was obsessed with that?!”

So behold my obsessions! I am sure I have many more, but these are the ones I recall more quickly than others right now.

“I’m only slightly obsessed” with:

  • Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars (admit it, you are too!)
  • Dogwood Trees
  • Getting more tattoos…one of which BEING a dogwood tree
  • Glittery gold objects…they just make EVERYTHING pop!
  • Harry Potter quotes
  • High ceilings in a house
  • Zedd radio on Pandora
  • Sam Smith/Ed Sheeran/John Legend
  • Basically just Ed Sheeran radio on Pandora
  • All things farm house in decor
  • The gym
  • Salads…I could eat them every day for the rest of my life
  • Spinach and broccoli specifically
  • Coconut scented EVERYTHING
  • Fitness Icons: Claire Rae, Emily Skye, Ashy Bines (to name a few!)
  • Jimmy Fallon…ALL OF IT
  • Ana White DIY furniture
  • Going back to school
  • Toyota 4runners (this WILL BE my next vehicle)
  • Squat days at the gym (I’m there for roughly 3 hours)
  • How to Train Your Dragon 2
  • Organix products
  • Online shopping
  • Neutral colored EVERYTHING
  • Rugs
  • Target, using Cartwheel of course
  • Watching the dogs run around in the yard again
  • Flower crowns (pictured…not on me…I couldn’t pull it off)
  • Braids…ALL braids
  • Malibu Coconut Rum mixed with Pineapple Juice
  • Peaky Blinders (a Netflix original 😉
  • Under cabinet lighting

And like I said, I am sure there are a ton more…but remember I’m only slightly obsessed…some of these may be gone with the oncoming trends 😉

Happy Monday All!

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