Our Love Story!

So it’s official! Shane and I are engaged as of May 12, 2014! Awesome for me because it just happens to be the same day as my parents’ anniversary, and they are on 24 years of marriage this year. Talk about making it work! For me it was just the icing on the cake (literally-there will be a cake) I know everyone is just dying to know the proposal story, so here it goes.

It was the Saturday we finally had an entire day off of the base for his BMT graduation in San Antonio Texas. Naturally we decided we were going to spend the day at the San Antonio Riverwalk, which honestly I was quite spectacle about since our little encounter in New Orleans. See here. Well Shane wanted to give his buddy and his girl a ride as well, and he told me that we had to stop by the mall first so his buddy could get a ring since he was planning on proposing to her. I thought it was adorable and he put me in charge of keeping her busy while the guys went and did their own thing. I love romance and the idea of her getting proposed to was just the sweetest thing to me, so naturally I took on the task whole-heartedly. About thirty minutes or so go by and Shane calls me to meet back up, we end up leaving shortly after and planned on eating on the Riverwalk when we met up with his parents.

We get to the Riverwalk and it was absolutely breathtaking, I was completely shocked. It was more of a lazy river that ran underneath the streets of San Antonio, and I strongly encourage anyone to go at least once in their lifetime. See below! IMAG0743 IMAG0753

These two pictures don’t even capture the entire beauty of the place! But back on track, we parted ways with his buddy and his girl to meet his parents for lunch, we ended up eating at an amazing Mexican restaurant overlooking the water. It was super delicious and I was ready to see some more sites. I guess I was the only one completely oblivious to all of the tension which I realized later that everyone was acting suspiciously quiet. When Shane stopped at my favorite bridge and wanted to take a picture with me on it, which yes the above pictured bridge is that same one! So of course I obliged.


After we had taken our picture together Shane told me he had gotten me a set of dog tags of my own, since I couldn’t have his own yet. I was overjoyed since I had wanted to be able to have some of his military memorabilia to take home with me. He told me to turn around and close my eyes while he put it around my neck.


After he put the dog tags around my neck he told me to read it.


What I read on the dog tags were “Proud Fiancee.”

And when I turned around, he was on one knee asking me to marry him!


Well, of course I blubbered, I was shaking and just completely overwhelmed. I just remember saying yes over and over again, while the onlookers on either side of the lazy river applauded and it was seriously like something out of a dream. One of the greatest days of my life and never in a million years would ever think would happen to me.

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And that is his amazing proposal, even Hollywood couldn’t write that, and the back story to all of this is that he wrote my parents while he was gone and asked for their permission. As if the proposal itself wasn’t beautiful, I called my mom immediately of course to tell her, only to her having already known about it. I honestly don’t think I could have found a more perfect person for me.




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